Going Green

This year has found our family of 4 wanting to live greener and eat healthier. We've changed a lot of our habits in the past few months and we're learning so much.
I'll post our ideas about what has worked for us and what hasn't in hopes that it will help others who are wanting to start their journey of Going Green!

Farm Fresh Delivery

In an earlier post I mentioned that earlier in the year we joined a fruit and vegetable delivery service so I had to elaborate. For anyone who is even remotely interested in this, give it a try. You'll probably love it and if you don't, just cancel your orders. No fees and no contracts. Their customer service is delightful and the produce has been fantastic.

Farm Fresh Delivery brings us a small green bin every other Wednesday that is packed full of healthy goodness. We set up our schedule (bi weekly) and we can customize our bin to suit what sounds good to us. So far Brad has gone crazy over the tangerines and is extremely excited about the whole pineapple we have sitting on the counter. (Our cat is equally excited as she keeps attacking it and trying to drag it off as though it is her most recent kill. Different story all together) I am extremely happy with the fresh mint we received, which I used to make spearmint tea and also the picture of perfection strawberries. We've gotten some great parsnips and even have a leek in the fridge at the moment, which will be a learning experience for us in the next few days.

My favorite part of this deal is that the produce is either natural or organic and is clearly labeled as such. During the appropriate months, FFD buys from Midwest farms and growers so food travels less and we're supporting local commerce. The off months bring food from growers that grow organically or naturally and are fair trade. Obviously not much is growing in Indiana in January but this week we got our first Indiana produce - lettuce.

We order the small bin every other week. It is packed full of stuff and we usually donate a little bit at the end to the compost bin right before our fresh comes in. We're working to eat everything we get because it's a great monitor on how much good stuff we're taking in but sometimes we fall a little short. We'll get there. I do get a couple extras from Whole Foods if we need something specific for a recipe but it's not that much. I know our trips to the farmer's market this summer will bring some extra goods in as well so we'll adjust our bin as necessary.

The perks: No delivery fees if you stay over $35 order (which is the small bin). No contracts or set time frames. Cancel if you're going on vacation, up to your eye balls in lettuce or just not going to be home much during your delivery week. You can add just about anything to your order. Fresh breads, milk, eggs, meats, cheeses, sweets and baked goods (!), and even coffee and teas can come right alongside the veggies. The meat is from a local farm/butcher and it is delicious. We visit them in Zionsville and get all our meat there. (Separate post on Moody's Meats to come later!)

So that's my shameless plug for FFD. If you have any questions, just ask or even call their customer service line. They're super friendly.


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