Going Green

This year has found our family of 4 wanting to live greener and eat healthier. We've changed a lot of our habits in the past few months and we're learning so much.
I'll post our ideas about what has worked for us and what hasn't in hopes that it will help others who are wanting to start their journey of Going Green!

Fun with Worms - Part I

This is a late post but I need to get it up because it's just that cool. In March we started Vermicomposting (Confused? Go here.) The short explanation is that it's worm composting. So without further ado, meet Sam.

All of our worms are named Sam. There are several hundred of them in our bin. We believe they are happy and we know they are making some fantastic castings for us. Castings are worm poo and excellent fertilizer.

Soo why are we vermicomposting you may ask. I have several answers. First, we've been wanting to compost for awhile but were having a tough time finding the right size composter for a good price. While researching bins, I discovered the wonderful worm world and thought Ally would love it. She's been very intrigued by snakes for awhile and I thought she would appreciate the worms.

Second, we have a lot of fresh fruit and veggie scraps from our Farm Fresh Delivery bin and I hate throwing it all into the trash.

Third, I think hands on toddler lessons are the most long lasting and effective. Ally loves showing people the worms when they come to our house and can explain vermicomposting really well.

Fourth, you don't need fancy equipment for this project and the upkeep is minimal. We have no smell coming from our bin because we've followed a few simple rules.

I'll explain how to make a bin of your own in the follow up post. It's quite simple and you most likely already have everything you need to start. (Except the worms!)


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